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Updated: Dec 19, 2024

As a kid I thought I'd end up as an animator one day, probably because drawing was my first recognized talent.  A talent I've sparingly used throughout the years and often forget I have.  Learning that my love is in creation and the art of production, not the medium, I've allowed space for me as an artist to grow naturally.  Although I don't draw nearly as much, my appetite as a creator is always nourished.  I trust this experience, as a creator,  is unique and value the random sequence of events that reveal themselves to be moments of affirmation. Like a reminder from a younger me, I'd like to introduce you to Tony, an animator and indie comic creator. 

I met Tony several years ago through his college connections with some of our younger Darkside team members.  He was rapping, doing photography, probably a whole bunch of other cool shit but what really caught my soul's attention was his personality and art.  With every greeting he alway showed me reverence along with this bright and witty personality.  He would challenge my stoic mannerisms to force a smile out during rough Darkside productions in the earlier times.  It felt like he knew to lighten my mood and remind me to not take myself so seriously, I  sometimes need that energy around me. 

Since those days Tony remains one of Darkside's biggest supporters as well as a helping hand and now he along with his partner Adrian, have begun creating and distributing their very own line of indie comics.

Ain't too many young cool black animators I know who can hand me a physical copy of their published artwork.  Forever a fan, I wanted to share with you some work Tony did of me. It came after a windy day when my spider-man like reflexes caught my hat in air as the wind threatened to send it flying in the street. Tony - “Spidey-Vie” and shortly after, this was sent to me. Thank you for inspiring me Tony, not all heroes wear capes. 

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Real neighborly like ya dig!?

Special thanks to Rahway SID for spotlighting "DSI" this month. We've made Rahway our home for the past two years and its been great to us, moments like these are a perfect reminder of why. Part of our decision to relocate to Rahway was their perspective and attention towards the arts. The Special Improvement of Rahway sat down with Founder and Co-owner of DSI, Vie and caught up with us about our journey so far. Read the full interview belong and a very special thank you to the city of Rahway.

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